Post by ~consulPost by forumiteAs for Willy Wonka, I wouldn't say automatically he is Chaotic. Going
by the movie, he has the children sign a contract, enforces it on
Charlie as a test, and during the tour warns of rules and regulations.
However, he is not Lawful either. While a Lawful Good character can
let others make mistakes and learn from them, Wonka goes over the
proverbial line. He's not Neutral to Good and Evil because ultimately
he wants to find a Good child to run the factory and care for the
Oompa Loompas as he does. I say Wonka is also Neutral Good.
Now, in an earlier post, I said he was Neutral Good ... but now I'm playing
with the idea that he can be Lawful Evil. Forget about how he wants a
'good' child to run the factory and take care of the Oompa Loompas as
being inherently 'good'. I think it can be argued that he is working purely
from a self-interest POV, as he did kidnap them, and won't let them
leave (we haven't seen them try), he keeps them sedated with all the
chocolate so they don't rebel. There is no individuality wrt to his workers.
He doesn't educate them or socialize them in any way so they can
interact with London in any meaningful/contexual way. All for the good
of the chocolate business. He's found his niche in the market system,
and will do anything to maintain it, within the laws of the nation.
Unless you are on his property and factory, then he will mutilate and
manipulate you to no end, if he sees fit. That he treats his slave workers
with kindness doesn't mean his isn't a evil, its in his best interest to do
so, what with his specialized workforce.
While I agree that he's a danger, he's definitely not Lawful Evil.